Source Code Point of Sale System (POS) with PHP and Mysql


Source Code Point of Sale System (POS) - Hallo coders, good afternoon. In this article I will share a source code again because in previous articles I just post an article that discusses information about the world of programming only. The source code that I will share now is the Point of Sale System or it can be in short (POS). This application system is created by using the programming language PHP and also Mysql for sqlnya. This POS system is created to help manage the Business, such as facilitate transactions with Customers, record inventory, can print sales reports, add products, add customers and others. In general, Point of Sale System is often used in an office, restaurant, hotel and super or mini market.

As according to Wikipedia, Point Of Sale (POS) or Point Of Purchase (POP) is the time and place of retail transaction is completed. At the point of sale, the merchant will calculate the amount owed by the customer and indicate the amount, and may prepare an invoice for the customer (which may be the cashier print), and indicate the option for the customer to make the payment. This is also the point at which a customer makes payments to merchants in return for goods or after service provision. Upon receipt of payment, the merchant may issue a receipt for the transaction, which is usually printed, but the more dispensed or sent electronically. (Wikipedia)

Application Sales of Goods With Codeigniter this application is not made by me. But here I will share this Point Of sale application to be developed.

Previously you already understand the basic concepts of MVC, and in the previous post the Source code CRUD Simple Codeigniter. Circulated for you to understand the basic concepts of MVC.

Here is the Point of Sale Application Project, you can download for learning and develop

Features of this POS System

  •     Use the barcode scanner at Sales Deal
  •     Can add, edit and delete Products
  •     Looking for products
  •     Can add, edit and delete Customers
  •     Can generate Every Day, Monthly and Annual Report
  •     Can Art Print Transactions


View Source Code Point of Sale System (POS)


How to install

  1.     First download the source code on the link below
  2.     Extract, then place the folder in htdocs
  3.     Run XAMPP, and log in to phpmyadmin
  4.     After running your phpmyadmin, create a new database name, after importing the database file from the folder in your root directory.
  5.     After that type in the browser url
  6.     Login with Username => admin and Password => admin

Download Source Code

That is the description of the Source Code Point of Sale System (POS) with PHP and Mysql ini. please download and Hope can be useful.if there are errors in this application, you can ask through the comments form below.Thanks. Happy coding!


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